
Josh Hohenstein, AAMS® CDMP™ PCM™

Josh Hohenstein is an American Military Veteran, Awarded Public Servant, Entrepreneur, and Marketer from Houston, Texas. He co-founded and operates several businesses including a financial services firm, a tax & accounting practice for business owners, a marketing consulting & services company, and a monetized YouTube automation channel. 

Most importantly, because the U.S. Tax Code is almost 75,000 pages long with less than 5,000 dedicated to "raising taxes" and the other 70,000 dedicated to "reducing taxes", Josh firmly believes we live in a system designed to ensure everyone pay the highest amount of tax by default.

He knows owning a business is the last true tax haven and has created digital products like The Tax Toolkit to help business owners maximize their tax deductions after years of frustrating relationships with CPAs who continued to let him down. He obsesses over creating ways to legally, ethically, and morally reduce taxation.